Thursday, June 26, 2008


In a land far far away there exist a valley. The valley was idyllic and people there were merry and gay. The childrens can be seen playing merrily at the lakeside and catching each other. The parents can be seen sitting together to chat. There wass no place better than this.

People lead stressfree life and never had to worry if they have enough money or not. They like to talk to each other in a jocose manner. Whenever anyone hunted an animal, they would celerate, jubilant faces could be seen on their faces as they sing and dance around the beast.

The people there had proper decorum and was never rude to each others. They never malign each others and always enough each other to strive for the best the very best one could be.

What a lovely place this is.

Don't you think so.............

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