Saturday, June 28, 2008

holiday homework (journal wrinting 1)


Ever though of what will happen to you when you die? These thoughs kept flashing through my minds these few years, my deepest FEAR. "Where would i go after i die?", "how do i feel, see and touch?" These rehtorical questions have lingered in me for a long long time. No one could ever answer my quetions, these questions will never be answered.

Imagine yourself stuck in the lift in a public holiday, with the light blacked off and with no handphone. How would you feel when you cant see anything. As the time ticked by the air gets thicker and thicker. How would you feel? Scared? anxious? This feeling is like death when you cant see aor do anything just laying there, asleep for a long long time.

There is no cure for fears. It is up to ourselves to believe that it doesn't matter and ots allright but for me, It could never be chnaged. Whose not scared or death, We can only wait for death to come greet us in whatever way he wants.

Thats "LIFE!"

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