Saturday, June 28, 2008

my favorite author

My favourite author is none other than j.k Rowling. Why is she my favourite author? Well, she is the one who created the famous novel called "Harry Potter"
It is widely known all over the world and have hit book recirds when it came out. Old and young knew about harry potter.

Her stories are very captivating and intriging
The words used in her essay is also very nice, good grasp of vocabulary
Her stories are very exciting and nerve wrecking
Her books are so exciting that i couldnt stop reading it, could not bear to put down the book. ( i spent the whole day reading the last book non-stop)
She describe every event with specific detail

J.K Rowling is no doubt a very good fantasy writer and i admire her for her wild imagination.

holiday homework (journal wrinting 4)


As the world improves, people also need to i prove to keep up the pace of society. People in the olden days led stress free lives and need not bother about money and being able to cope in studies. Being able to eat 3 meals a day to them is enough.

Childrens can be seen playing merrily with each other at the lakeside or running aroung the valleys, playing catching. In the 21st century, things changed drastically and technology has became more advanced and thus peple need to upgrade thmeselves.

Chidrens nowadays often have headaches about school life. Msny commented that school life is touch and they dont enjoy going to school. Reports have show that there have been a rise in sucidal cases for students. This may be due to the fact that the students are getting too stress from studies through peer pressure and family pressure.

Mnay felt that they could not make it thus deeming thenselves useless. This may lead to sucidal. Such young talents wasted.

holiday homework (journal wrinting 3)

Are parents over reacting over children nowadays?

Children in Singapore are pampered kids. The got everything prepared for them from what they eat to what they wear. They are like robots already programmed to do what the are supposed to do. They got no freedom.

They can't learn to be independent. When they want to go out with their friends the parents object, because they are afraid that they will get lost. From this how can children learn how to be independent.

Parents care too much about their children. They are scared of this, scared of that. They never can put their hearts down on them. They love them to much that they unknowingly are hurting and harming them. Thsy should let them do hwta they want but with certain restrictions. Let them know what is life, let them know the world not like frogs in wells.

When parents are free, they can bring their children out, go to places of interest to broaden their horizon. Bring them overseas once in a while, i bet the children will enjoy whatever their parents do for them.

holiday homework (journal wrinting 2)

As i stood in the waiting room, i began to feel very woried. Would survive the operation. I paced around the room with fears of constitution and destitute. " why did it happen to my Mum?"," why can't it be me instead?". The more i though, the faster i walk.

I though of my past acts, all though bad things i did to my mum. I promised to god to anyone, murmer softly to save my mum at all cost, i will not stir up trouble for her again. I will do anything to save her. "Please let her survive."," let me have i chance to redeem myself."

Tears start to cascade down my face as i fall onto the ground, depressed with my fingers crossed. The lights flashed green and a doctor came out. I rushed towards the doctor and implored him of my mum's conditions.

He bowed his head low and said that he tried his best. I couldn't believe myself. I could not tak it anymore and crumbled down like a helpless tree being chopped down. I was stunned ont the spot, stuck to the ground like devil snare grabbing me, i couldnt move.

I walk beside my mum's bed and cried my heart out. It was the last chance i could hold her. Suddenly i say tears rold down her eyes. Then she woke up and looked at me and laughed. I was shocked and the nslowly realised that it was a prank my mum played on me.

I was so relieved that i could throw all my savings away. From the day onwards, liek i promised i treated my parent like GOD.

holiday homework (journal wrinting 1)


Ever though of what will happen to you when you die? These thoughs kept flashing through my minds these few years, my deepest FEAR. "Where would i go after i die?", "how do i feel, see and touch?" These rehtorical questions have lingered in me for a long long time. No one could ever answer my quetions, these questions will never be answered.

Imagine yourself stuck in the lift in a public holiday, with the light blacked off and with no handphone. How would you feel when you cant see anything. As the time ticked by the air gets thicker and thicker. How would you feel? Scared? anxious? This feeling is like death when you cant see aor do anything just laying there, asleep for a long long time.

There is no cure for fears. It is up to ourselves to believe that it doesn't matter and ots allright but for me, It could never be chnaged. Whose not scared or death, We can only wait for death to come greet us in whatever way he wants.

Thats "LIFE!"

Thursday, June 26, 2008


In a land far far away there exist a valley. The valley was idyllic and people there were merry and gay. The childrens can be seen playing merrily at the lakeside and catching each other. The parents can be seen sitting together to chat. There wass no place better than this.

People lead stressfree life and never had to worry if they have enough money or not. They like to talk to each other in a jocose manner. Whenever anyone hunted an animal, they would celerate, jubilant faces could be seen on their faces as they sing and dance around the beast.

The people there had proper decorum and was never rude to each others. They never malign each others and always enough each other to strive for the best the very best one could be.

What a lovely place this is.

Don't you think so.............

Monday, June 23, 2008


there was a girl that was obese. she was dislike by her pals and no one wanted to be friends with her.It was very pathetic to see her ask others to play with her or look at them with longingly eyes hoping that one of them will invite her to play with them. People usually just treat that shes not there. she was never in bliss. She always has the gusto feeling around her. She always participated enthusiastically in class and was the teacher's pet.

That made the people hate her more. They started to gossip about her and came out with bad names of her like big fat pig or ugly witch. She was hurt by those words but she controlled herself from exploding, but everyone has a limit.

One day she was on a particularly bad mood and once she stepped into the classroom she was greeted with "Hi piggy!" She on the spur of moment slammed the table and punched one of the girls with all her might. She was instantly flanged off the ground and blood was gushing out of her body. She was filled with blood and groaning with extreme pain.

She was lost for words and ran away and hid from reality. "what have i done?" She decided to end her miserable life . All the unhappy thoughts flashed through her mind as she slowly walked towards the rooftop. She saw people enjoying themselves with friends but she was just sitting at a corner watching gloomily.

as she placed one leg on the edge she closed her eyes and greeted death like an old friend. That ended a young soul.

Monday, June 2, 2008

journal writing 18 t2

Man is inevitable to avarice and their pursuit for gold is insatisable. They just want more and more. some of the man spent their lock, stock and barrel on stocks. They have overlooked the risk as their mind is only thinking about how much they can earn.They are disgruntled by what they earned and want to earn more as they have earned. Once when the wall street crashed, it caused bedlam throughout the whole world and many went broke and homeless as all the stocks were now useless. They were all eradicated and many were so depressed until they killed themselves. it was sad to hear that and many business closed ad the world was in pandemonium.
