Saturday, January 19, 2008

T1W1 journal writing

How unlucky can i get ?

It was a rainy day, with overcast skies and roaring thunder. I was rushing frantically to school as hate miss my school bus. I was drenched form top to toe as i had left my precious umbrella at my domicile, how lax of me. I meticulously jumped over dozens of puddles but unfortunately slipped and plumented into a big ppool of muddy water. I tried to remain optimistic and that nothing could get any worse, could it? How worng i was.

Finally i reached school really late. I thruged up wearily up the neverending flight of stairs with stains around my pants. When i open the door i was greeted by roars of laughters and nasty quips made about me.

I could not take it longer and punched the student..............

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