Saturday, August 9, 2008


Dear principal, teachers and fellow schoolmates. I am the chairman of the Green club. Judging by the boring looks on your faces, i am not here to talk about creating recycle bins for your class or to collect newspapers. I am here to talk about a graver matter, something so grave that it will undoubtedly affect or life and our next generation, I , am here to talk about " Saving our Earth"

While we are enjoying the luxuries of life, sleeping in air conditional rooms, Feasting on scrumptious food, while people living on the other side of the earth are suffering from our comforts. People are dieing from starvation and here we are wasting food and natural resources.

People that will cherish whatever food they can have and that they will be elated to find bread in a bin so that they can eat and share with their families and here we are choosing what to eat, what is nice and what is not. Eating 3 meals a day is the norm for us and we demand good food and not plain food like bread.

People there have no toys and use wood and sticks as their toys and here we are, wanting more and more. Each time our expectation of better things increase.

Nothing seems to satisfy us.

Through rapid industrailization, we humans have depleted many of Earth's natural resources. Through activities like, deforestation,forest fires, mining activities and excretion of the solutes into the sea. The Earth has caught a cold according to the scientist. Strange things are happening to earth. The "El-nino" and "Le-nena" effects are just the tip of the iceberg. Scientist are still confused by what is happening.

Low lying areas like Hong Kong may just disappear right before our very eyes as the ice caps melts and the sea level rising. Animals are becoming extinct and our child may not even have the chance to catch a glimpse of a panda.

How disastrous!

As we are progressing towards a mordern society, our environment is degrading. All this must come to an end.

I always had a dream, a dream that the world will be green again.

Where the sun greets us every clear and bright morning.

Where the trees sway under the light breeze.

Where birds chirp happily, welcoming us.

Where the sweet smell of flowers brightens up our day.

All this can be done as we have a dream, a dream to save the earth!!!!!!!!!!
