Wednesday, March 26, 2008

journal writing t2w12

2008 olympics

Whats coming up this year? its none other than the long awaited olympics!!! But sadly some of the world altheletes have expressed their concerns on the weather conditions of china and that the dirty air there will affect there and be caught in a serious plight. One of the runners acknowleadge that he is in doubts of whether he wants to go china and highly potential that he is not attending it. Many of the perple are unhapy with the olympics are demur it. Many protestors could be seen protesting it and trying to disrupt the smooth flowing of the olympics.

I believe that to hold an olympic the country should be in tip top condition and be in aplle pie order.

Monday, March 24, 2008

journal writing t1 w4

Is war ever justified? i doubt so...

I think that is a bias action that countries do for their own gain so there is no right or wrong to war. one country ca just say that they started the war for their self defence and not the purpose of dominating the other country. It has razed many cities and countries and left them in a state of pandemonium and havoc. The results of war is lethal and has affected many lifes in the world.

Many countries that are idealistic tried to bury the hatchet and try prevent future wars from happening ever again. But i think that it is impossible as wars will still happen not matter hard one try.

I believe that war helps to boost the economy and some countries benefits from the war by selling weopens to fighting countries. Well as a whole i think that war is bad and should be stopped by all means.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

journal writing t2w11

John, the scion of the wealthy lawyers, lead a lush life of opulence and luxuries. He never had to worry about anything as everything has been planned properly for him. He got anything and everything he wanted ranging from the latest action figurines to the most fashionable clothes. You name it, he got it. He will always have two strings in a bow when he does something for example making a new friend. Firstly he would keep talking to them if it failed he would buy things for them to make them happy and be friends with him.

People usually think that rich people are spoilt brats but John also has a kind side. He was deeply concerned for those who led their life in destitution and impoverishment. He was heartbroken to hear that that are still many people out there that don't even have a proper roof on top of their heads and even worst cant even afford a proper meal each day.

He decided that when he grow up, he would help them and nurture them to become better people with at least a glimmer of hope in their eyes that they can succeed in life and not be an outcast in the society.

John become infamous for his generosity and care for the poor.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

journal writing t1w10

Words used: indict, reviled, pesky, vicissitudes, unabated

She eyed the fruit knife that she had just sharpened. Along with it was a penknife and a few other weopens. It would be easy. All she had to do was to wait for him to abuse her near the box. She would not have to wait long.

Apparently, she was right. Almost immediatly her employee strutted into the room and indicted her of neglecting her chores with unabated anger. The sight of his pesky sent an adrenial of fury bolling through her blood. However she masked her anger. Revenge would be her's soon. A minute later, he advanced on her, his fist curled into a ball ,ready to deliver a punch. She backed away towards the box. He would pay for all the vicissitudes he has caused her. This would teach him not to reviled her anymore. A fraction of a second before her employee hit her, she plunged the knife down on him.

dicussive writing

Are parents controlling too much?

Many people will have different views on this contridicting topic. Some may think that parents are controlling them too much while others say that their parents don't care what they do. The have complete freedom and control over themselves.

Firstly, some think that parents are controlling them too much. They are not allowed to go out with their friends after school and must reached home directly after school. They feel very trap and controlled. This may be due to the parents care and concern for their children but this may lead to very horrifying situation. I once had a friend that was a top scorer, all A1 but he has a very sad background. His mother gives him no freedom at all. He has to return home exactly at 3pm, does whatever he is told and needs to report to her why he is and what is he going to do.

We once had a class outing and he dearly wanted to go but his mother did not allow indicating that it was a waste of time. He was depressed and sad. His marks kept dropping and he confided in my that there were times where he though or running away, to a place where there i no one or better still leave this world forever. In the end he killed himself, such a waste of a young soul. Overcontrolling can result in chikdrens engaging in unlawful activities like drug trafiking, smoking and doing illegal stuff just for the risk and thrill to spice up their non-chalant lifes. These arent good and the love that the parents gives turns out to be not helping them but hurting them.

They will always feel los tand lonely and slowly they may become selfish people and feel that there is no use continuing to live and attemp sucidal. These are the aftermath of overcontrolling of one kids

But others may say that if they dont control their kids they may go astray and haywire. Newspaper reports have shown that underage sex is increasing and this may be due to the fact that parents are not controlling their child tight enough. Many students can be seen hanging around in school chatting and playing sports and others can also be seen in LAn(local area network), archade and shopping centres, This shows that childrens nowadays have a say in what they can do and that parents dont control their child too harshly.

I have a friend that dont study and goes to lan shop every day to play, although his results are falling and all failed his parents did nothing to stop him as thay think that it is his life and they shouldnt sppoil his fun. In the end he got kicked out of school but still can be seen in lan playing.

In conclusion i can say that parents are here to guide us along our way, to tell us wat is right and what is wrong. They should take care and control us but we should also be allowed to have a say in matters concerning us. With this the earth will be a better place to live in

Saturday, March 1, 2008

journal writing t1w9

Have u heard about the recent case of Thaksin(ex-prime minister of Thailand) who have been taken over by the coup and an exile have returned to thailand from the goverments fiat. You may think that thaksin is behind eight balls but think again.He is apprenhended and is accused of embezzling fund from the states. Many people believe all this is only an act and the goverment is ready to exonate thaksin just to appleased the people as he also made great contributions to the country's wealth. Well if it was me i would free him and order him to work for the country as he holds great experinces and know the ropes well.
